Thursday 19 November 2009

Hilton Quarry's Spotted Eagle-Owl Chick

Kenneth Dahlgren at Jeffeares and Green at Hilton Quarry took a photo of this Spotted Eagle-Owl chick in the Hilton Quarry on the 9th of November. Thanks to Sally for forwarding this to me to put onto the blog.

There have also been reports of a Pink-backed Pelican at the old 'Bird Sanctuary' [now Motor City] at Chatterton Road.

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled on your blog researching Midlands Birds and I thought your club might like to know about a dam near Cramond called Satellite Dam with fantastic bird life. It is privately owned so if you want to visit you'll have to get hold of the landowners, but the website should give you some info on it. I couldn't find an email address on this blog to message you privately, sorry about that. You can contact Warren and he will give you the relevant person's contact details
